Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Welcome to the Grand Illusion

You probably think your thoughts are your own. Chances are, they're not. You probably consider yourself a critical thinker. Chances are, you're not. You probably think you know how the world works. Chances are, you don't.

Welcome to the grand illusion. Think the Dark Ages have left? Think again. The names may have changed, but the system is still the same manipulative tyranny you think that you've escaped. God isn't dead, he just so happens to be in the face of everyone you've been conditioned to look up to. While you fight against the religious right, you alternatively fall prey to the PC left.

Think back at all the things you've ever read. How many of them have you actually questioned? Why do you believe them? Is it by reason, or by principle? Are you truly ignorant, or do you just suffer low self-esteem? Look behind the exterior of moral authority and social prestige of your peers, your teachers, your so-called "heroes"; you just might be surprised how many of the "facts" you hear are straight-up lies. Because no one needs to tell the truth or to prove anything, all they need to do is prey on your deepest emotions and fears.

Feel that? That's the heat of being branded a sinner—or, in this case, a "loser", a "moron", maybe even a "faggot". Or perhaps something even more sinister, like "oppressor", "sexist", "racist", "deviant" or any other arbitrary moral judgments. They'll twist your words around to make you believe your noble nature is a subversive evil, and try you by their own laws.

They'll fabricate your own future. Damned to hell on earth. Luring you away from yourself with talk of real life fire and brimstone.

Don't let them control you. Don't believe what you can't see. Only you can answer your own questions. No one can tell you the truth; you have to find it. Follow their empty lies and you'll follow the rest of mainstream society's course into the groundless void.

Wake up and be the leader of your mind.

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